Friday, May 28, 2010

What's Better Than Me?


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Future Leaders of Awesome

Please take these banners and spread them like a disease. There are 12 different colors and designs. Hit me up if you want more:

Click the picture to see the full size.
Thank you all. :)

Join the group here.

Monday, May 10, 2010

My Essay On China's One Child Policy

Now normally I'd say I'm all for the One Child Policy in China. Less screaming kids, less people in general. That was until I read about their governments forced abortions. As much as I hate children and the nuisance they create, I'm completely against abortion. It's simply wrong to kill someone (although in some cases it shouldn't be...), let alone an innocent baby. They're completely harmless, give or take a few percentiles in population growth.

I've often wondered why people want kids so badly. They cry, they whine, they're loud; pretty much any person who doesn't hate themselves' worst nightmare. Yet people persist on having children. In a way it's a good thing. At least we know we'll never be extinct (that's really too bad) and that there will always be someone with us (can we never be alone?!). The thing is, if we're to rid the world's population by making births illegal, we might as well just sell our souls now. How can it be right for “people with power” to decide how many beings inhabit the Earth?

And even if you're not on the whole moral clause thing, you can certainly agree that this whole birthing plan has affected China's economy. Half the male population is out of a job because of China's obsession with carrying on their family name (something of which only males can do, thus why they pretty much trash their female babies). Not to mention all those abortions. You think those are free? And what about all the IUDs they've implanted to people who go against the rules of the policy? That's right, China. You're footing the bill, congratulations.

All in all, this policy is absurd. Playing the role of God isn't their job, and as much as they see this law's success, there is no true way to completely stop the population from growing. As much as they despise it, people will still have kids because that's the way it was intended. Matter of fact, for every one child that isn't born in China, I'm having three. Take that, Xiaoping.