Monday, November 7, 2011


I have this discussion on video from my freshmen year of highschool, it's a conversation between my friend, we'll call them D, and myself:

D: "So what do wanna say at the end of this?"
Me: "I just wanna say...that I'm amazing and if you think otherwise you should probably go fall in a well"
D: "That's what I was gonna say!" 
Me: "Yay!"

Short, but yet still hilarious. You had to have been there...

Thursday, November 3, 2011


The story behind my Twitter name, @RainbowsOfBob...

Okay, so a couple years ago I was kind of into some really bad things and all that fun stuff, and I got the nickname "Bobby Llamas" as a code name so people could be like, "oh yeah, drop this off at Bobby's house" without doing any name dropping (which was very necessary considering getting caught for petty drug use would have been pretty bad with all the other unspeakable things I was involved with at that time...)

Well, anyways I eventually got out of all that because I was being a dumbshit in the first place, but as a memento to my past I changed my Facebook name to Bobby Llamas and eventually all my friends just started calling me Bob because half of them didn't even know my name to begin with.

The Rainbows part came out of my other name, Rainbows & Skeletons (gifted to me because some days I was up, the next day not so much, so the dark and light, Rainbows & Skeletons) so you put it all together and it's RainbowsOfBob!

I've had a lot of people ask me if my name was actually Bob or if I'd known someone with that name and that's where it came from, but alas, no! I don't even know where the original Bobby Llamas came from, some friends and I just made it up off the top of our heads!
